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Homepage mosaic central image:  Artist:  Hayv Kahraman.  Title:  Marionettes Medium: Oil on linen. VTS peer-to-peer image set

In her series Marionettes (2009), Kahraman explores the subject of female oppression with particular reference to war in the Middle East and specifically in her home land of Iraq. At the same time, she turns her attention to female subjugation found in the everyday, in a series of work focused on women and domestic life. Enslavement is depicted through strings controlling the movement of the women; they drift through the landscapes seemingly oblivious to, or accepting of, their fate.

Photographs on Homepage banner and throughout website:  Da Ping Luo.

About page banner- Artist: Rembrandt van Rijn. Title: The Sampling-Officials of the Amsterdam Draper’s Guild (‘De Staalmeesters’).  Date: 1662. Medium: Oil on canvas. Dimensions: 75 1/2 x 110 in. Location: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  VTS curriculum: Grade 5: Lesson 7: Image 2

Research page banner- Artist: Jacob Lawrence. Title: The Libraries are Appreciated. Date: 1943. Medium: Gouache and watercolor on paper. Dimensions: 14 1/4 x 21 1/4 in. Location: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  VTS curriculum: Grade 3: Lesson 8: Image 3

Photograph for Aesthetic Thinking Workshop, Training page: Paola de Bruijn.