Join VTS Trainers and Community Members from around the globe for FREE weekly VTS image discussions on Wednesdays at VTS Look Club Online! Register through the Events tab below. To find out more about Remote Learning with VTS and to peek at one of the images we will discuss at Look Club, check out the Image of the Week.


From: $600.00 / year


Group subscriptions to the Visual Thinking Strategies website are ideal for schools, museums, or cultural institutions, who have received VTS training.  The subscription area of our website is kept up to date with the latest curriculum and resources to enrich your VTS practice.

Your subscription provides access to:

  • Carefully sequenced image curriculum sets for pre-kindergarten through Grade Eight
  • Bonus image sets, including collections from our museum partners and our new peer to peer image set.
  • A comprehensive library of resources for facilitators in all settings. With tools to help you deepen your understanding of VTS elements and environment, administer and analyze student assessments,  engage in facilitator reflection,  and more.
  • Research, guides, and videos to show you more of VTS in action
  • Tool-kits for VTS applications beyond visual art

*A single group subscription can be shared with up to 50 users within your organization.

Users of the group subscription must be staff or volunteers of the purchasing institution. User licenses may not be shared/given to individuals or organizations outside of purchasing institution or as part of any program not provided by VTS Organization.

Take a sneak peek