Join VTS Trainers and Community Members from around the globe for FREE weekly VTS image discussions on Wednesdays at VTS Look Club Online! Register through the Events tab below. To find out more about Remote Learning with VTS and to peek at one of the images we will discuss at Look Club, check out the Image of the Week.


VTS Coach Certification Application

Applicant Information

Organization Information (if applicable)


Group Coaching Session

Group Coaching/Image Discussion: Record the image discussion led by the facilitator you will coach. The image discussion should be no longer than 15 minutes. The video can be recorded on a phone or GoPro or video camera - any recording device you can access. Be sure we are able to hear the facilitator and the group comments. Include the “silent moment to look” in your video. Once you have recorded the video, please upload it to YouTube & provide the YouTube link to the image discussion video here. Include Image Discussion #1 in the title.

Group Coaching/Coaching Session: Record your coaching session. The video can be recorded on a phone or GoPro or video camera - any recording device you can access. Be sure we are able to hear you and the group comments. Include your introduction to coaching in your video. The session should be 10 minutes long or less. Once you have recorded the video, please upload it to YouTube & provide the YouTube link to the image discussion video here. Include Coaching #1 in the title.

Individual Coaching Session

The image discussion should be no longer than 15 minutes. The video can be recorded on a phone or GoPro or video camera - any recording device you can access. Be sure we are able to hear the facilitator and the group comments. Include the “silent moment to look” in your video. Once you have recorded the video, please upload it to YouTube & provide the YouTube link to the image discussion video here. Include Image Discussion #2 in the title.

The video can be recorded on a phone or GoPro or video camera - any recording device you can access. Be sure we are able to hear you and the person you are coaching. The session should be 10 minutes long or less. Once you have recorded the video, please upload it to YouTube & provide the YouTube link to the image discussion video here. Include Coaching #2 in the title.

Payment Details

Join Visual Thinking Strategies!
Payment Information

Pay by Mail

Please mail your check to: 

Visual Thinking Strategies
P.O. Box 316
Bolinas, CA 94924

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