Join VTS Trainers and Community Members from around the globe for FREE weekly VTS image discussions on Wednesdays at VTS Look Club Online! Register through the Events tab below. To find out more about Remote Learning with VTS and to peek at one of the images we will discuss at Look Club, check out the Image of the Week.


Precise VTS facilitation plays a critical role in fostering group engagement and cognitive growth. The VTS Certified Facilitator designation provides skilled practitioners formal acknowledgment of their reflection, intention and competence as VTS image discussion facilitators. Professionals working with VTS Certified Facilitators can be assured that image discussions will be facilitated, for a range of audiences, with the expertise achieved only through VTS-guided training, practice and reflection.

Pathways to Certification

There are several paths of training that can support necessary skill development of a VTS Certified Facilitator. Certification is awarded to individuals that demonstrate the technique and presence of a VTS facilitator as outlined in the skill-based rubric. Though completion the formal trainings listed here is not a prerequisite for Certification, it is recommended.

image/svg+xml Beginner Practicum Practice Reflection Advanced Practicum Practice Reflection Initial Training VTS Debriefings VTS Class Visits Practice Trainings with Coaching Practice Reflection
  • VTS Training Program

    The VTS Practicum series focuses on developing VTS facilitation skills. The Beginner Practicum presents the basic theoretical tenets of VTS and the opportunity for coached practice. After practice and reflection, beginner facilitators are ready for the Advanced Practicum, where participants refine and extend their VTS practice with a focus on advanced paraphrasing. Additional practice and reflection of these new skills prepares facilitators for Certification.
  • VTS School Program

    The VTS School Program is a multi-year professional development model and curriculum implementation for PreK-8 schools. Our model includes an Initial Training, grade-level or content-area group Debriefings, and Classroom Visits from a VTS Coach. Both our professional development and curriculum models are sequential and developmentally-based to support facilitators. Practice and reflections foster student and teacher growth in critical thinking, language and art-viewing skills over time.
  • VTS Customized Training

    VTS offers consulting services tailored to the objectives of museums, universities, schools, not-for-profit organizations and corporate institutions. Consulting services include a series of trainings, staff workshops, image selection, team-building experiences, curriculum and program development, coaching support, and plenty of practice and reflection.

Application Process

The Certified VTS Facilitator application is an opportunity for skilled facilitators to provide VTS evaluators insight into the decisions and awareness of VTS methods and the theories necessary when leading image discussions. Certification is granted for skills demonstrated by a facilitator & has no connection to the trainings completed by an applicant. VTS staff will observe two image discussions and consider written reflections to identify Certification-quality practices. Application feedback will be sent in 4-6 weeks.

  1. Review VTS Certified Facilitator rubric
  2. Record yourself leading a total of 2 image discussions. Each image discussions should be with a different audience
  3. Complete image discussion reflection questions on application
  4. Submit $350 fee

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does it mean that I am a Certified VTS Facilitator?

    A Certified VTS Facilitator has completed at least 10 hours of leading image discussions, reflected on practice, been observed by & assessed by VTS staff and consequently identified as an advanced VTS Facilitator. A Certified VTS Facilitator demonstrates "Certified" skills in ALL aspects of the rubric: VTS Elements, Reflection & Understanding, Image Selection.

  • Can I train others in VTS if I am a Certified VTS Facilitator?

    A Certified VTS Facilitator is NOT endorsed to coach or train others in the VTS methodology. Certification does not designate an individual as employed by or a representative of VTS National (US). Certification is an identification of skills specific to facilitation of image discussions, NOT an acknowledgement of completed training or coursework.

  • How do I apply?

    Review the questions and rubric before considering to apply.

  • Technical Support: How do I upload my image discussion to YouTube?

  • Technical Support: How do I make a video with my phone?

  • Can I submit videos and/or applications in a different language?

    At this time, we can consider applications in English. We intend to expand our capacity to review applications in a variety of languages in the future.

  • How much does it cost to apply?

    $350 covers the cost for your application and the opportunity to revise your application one time after initial review, if needed, within 12 months.

  • How do I apply for a scholarship?

    We are committed to VTS being a tool for equity, inclusion and access. If you are interested in a scholarship, apply before you complete the VTS Certified Facilitator application. Click here to apply for a VCF scholarship.

  • What if my application doesn’t meet Certification standards?

    If the application does not meet Certification standards (ie, some skills land in the "novice" or "practiced" sections of the rubric), the applicant will receive clear feedback from VTS staff. Feedback will identify specific skills that need attention. Applicants are encouraged to lead several image discussions to focus on skills that require growth. The $350 fee paid with the first application covers the cost of a 2nd application within 12 months. You will receive a DISCOUNT CODE with your feedback email that will waive the cost of your second application.

  • When does Certification expire?

    VTS Certification does not expire.

  • Can I be certified as a VTS Coach?

    YES you can. Once you are designated a VTS Certified Facilitator you will be ready to continue your training toward Certified Coaching. In order to apply for Certification as a VTS Coach you must complete the VTS Coaching Workshop, practice coaching in both group and 1:1 coaching settings. The Coaching Workshop II is highly recommended before individuals apply for Coaching Certification.

  • What if my VTS training is different than those suggested in the Pathway?

    The suggested Pathways to Certification include the Practicum Series, VTS School PD Programs, and VTS-led customized trainings. Your path to skilled VTS facilitation could be different from these programs. We suggest you review the VTS Certified Facilitator Rubric to best determine if your facilitation coincides with the expectations outlined.

  • Can I submit videos and/or applications in a different language?

    At this time we only have the ability to consider applications in English.

  • What are the VTS Certified Facilitator application questions?

    Your responses must be submitted through the Application link. We recommend preparing your answers in a separate document. Cut and paste those responses directly into the formal application online when you are ready to submit. Here are the application questions to help you prepare your answers.

  • What if I cannot legally record the group in an image discussion?

    Some VTS facilitators work with minors or vulnerable communities. If you cannot access video waivers for the group you typically work with we have a couple of suggestions:
    1. place the camera so it is only on you, the facilitator (please keep in mind we need to hear the participants but it is not necessary for reviewers to see them)
    2. consider leading image discussions with a different audience where privacy issues and waivers are not a concern

    Please note - the videos you upload to YouTube can be made "private". VTS will not share these videos with any outside individuals or organizations without the expressed permission of the applicant.

    You are welcome to submit Zoom video recordings of virtual sessions and/or videos of in-person sessions.