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    Aesthetic Thought, Critical Thinking and Transfer

    Author(s): Principal Researcher: Abigail Housen; Senior Research Associate: Karin DeSantis

    Results show VTS causes critical-thinking growth and transfer of critical thinking to other contexts and content. A five-year study with Byron School District, Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, and VUE looked for evidence that VTS develops critical thinking, its transfer, and tested the effect of VTS in stimulating aesthetic growth. Results show that over time VTS accelerates growth and enables students' critical thinking in other areas. (Byron, Minnesota; 1993)

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    Aesthetic Development and Creative and Critical Thinking Skills Study

    Author(s): Abigail Housen

    San Antonio Independent School District students who completed VTS lessons significantly outperformed students who did not receive VTS, in aesthetic and critical-thinking growth. Students with VTS transferred critical-thinking skills to individual art-viewing experiences independently, and transferred those skills fostered by VTS discussions to individual viewing of non-art objects. Results of this study convinced the San Antonio Independent School District to implement VTS system-wide. (San Antonio, Texas; 2000-2002)

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    Thinking Through Art; The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum School Partnership Program

    Author(s): Principal Researchers: Marianna Adams and Jessica Luke

    In 2003, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (ISGM) partnered with the Institute for Learning Innovation (ILI) in a three-year grant from the Department of Education to research students' learning from an art museum multiple-visit program. The study concluded that participating students generated significantly more instances of critical thinking skills, said more, and were more likely to provide evidence for their thinking. (Boston, MA; 2003-2007)

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    Artful Citizenship Project: Three-Year Project Report

    Author(s): Program evaluation conducted by Curva and Associates

    A pilot program funded by the U.S. DOE in partnership with Wolfsonian-FIU and the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Understanding the relationship between visual literacy and other academic skills, VTS was a major piece of the Artful Citizenship project. The study produced significant findings about efficacy of VTS, including a strong relationship between growth in visual literacy and growth in reading and mathematics. Program Evaluation conducted by Curva and Associate. (Miami, FL; 2005)