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Janet Lee (she/they) is an artist/arts educator born and raised in Los Angeles (unceded lands of the Tongva). Currently, Janet works at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles (MOCA) and facilitates tours for 3rd through 12th-grade students using the inquiry-based teaching method, Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS). Prior to working with students in contemporary art, they spent time excavating Etruscan sites in Tuscany/Lazio as well as aiding in translation work for the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Roma (MACRO). Noticing countless meaningful connections between varying arts disciplines, languages, and cultures in both ancient and contemporary times affirms their strong belief in the transformative and transcultural power of art as an agent for positive change. Janet studied and received their degree in Art History with an emphasis on pre-Greco-Roman archaeology at the University of California, Berkeley (BA). In their free time, Janet enjoys creating art and playing traditional Korean drums (Pungmul).

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