Join VTS Trainers and Community Members from around the globe for FREE weekly VTS image discussions on Wednesdays at VTS Look Club Online! Register through the Events tab below. To find out more about Remote Learning with VTS and to peek at one of the images we will discuss at Look Club, check out the Image of the Week.


Dre Ortiz Galdamez (they/them) is an interdisciplinary artist, learner, and educator. They currently live on occupied lands of Kizh people (Los Angeles, CA), where they were also born and have lived most of their life. Dre comes from a family of educators, artisans, and thinkers. Their VTS practice began in 2021 at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Los Angeles, where they researched English-Spanish bilingual VTS practice with their colleagues and students as a Museum Educator. Dre earned their BA in Ethnic Studies from Mills College. They enjoy moving their body through bicycling and dancing.

Photo credit: Florence Montgomery