Join VTS Trainers and Community Members from around the globe for FREE weekly VTS image discussions on Wednesdays at VTS Look Club Online! Register through the Events tab below. To find out more about Remote Learning with VTS and to peek at one of the images we will discuss at Look Club, check out the Image of the Week.


Karla Camacho (they/them) is a Los Angeles-based artist and educator born and raised in Jalisco, México. They’re currently working as a bilingual VTS facilitator at The Museum of Contemporary Art helping to bridge curious and inquisitive conversations with 3rd-12th grade students. Karla has over 6 years of experience doing bilingual work in ESL classrooms throughout the Central Coast and Southern California. Their art practice ranges between painting, illustration, and ceramics, exploring narrative themes that center the importance of storytelling as a means of resistance. They received a Bachelors in Studio Art from California State University, Long Beach in 2016 and completed a post-bacc & residency with the Center for Contemporary Ceramics in 2019. Karla’s main goal in joining the team is to help spearhead a translated version of VTS in Spanish to continue bridging inquiry-based, learner-centered conversations.