Adrienne (Addie) L. Gayoso (she/her) was born and raised outside of Cleveland, Ohio. She has lived in Washington, DC, since 2004, and is currently the Senior Educator at the National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) where she develops programs for school, teacher, and multigenerational audiences as well as interpretive resources for online and on-site visitors. Addie earned an M.A. in Arts Administration, with an emphasis in Art History, from Indiana University, Bloomington. She has been a student and practitioner of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) trainer since 2008 and is a moderator for the New York Times’ VTS-inspired weekly conversation “What’s Going On in This Picture?” (2016–present). Addie also attended Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Project Zero Classroom (2015), Museum Hack Boot Camp (2016), and Teaching Institute in Museum Education (2018). She is the loving guardian to a beautiful 10-year old piebald cat named Daisy. In her spare time, she enjoys attending community theatre productions, watching baseball and football, traveling to tiny towns with friends, testing out regional wine and beer, and exploring interesting architecture.

Photo credit: Kevin Allen